
Minhas tentativas de “plantar” esse blog na terra foram infrutíferas, o que, com ajuda da minha contínua conversão, me levaram a plantá-lo, dessa vez, no Céu.

Esse blog é tanto um portfólio dos meus trabalhos quanto um santuário das minhas reflexões; ambos casos em que espero ajudar ao expô-los.

Conte comigo para ajudá-lo na busca das virtudes com objetivo de criar famílias fortes e para a prestação de serviços e consultoria nas áreas de escrita criativa e científica, revisão ou tradução.


Chamo-me Lucas e sou Católico, marido, pai de 3 filhos, engenheiro de telecomunicações, técnico em eletrônica, professor de inglês, matemática e física, escritor, revisor e tradutor.

62 comentários sobre “Sobre

  1. Hmmm . . . I don’t know what any of this says, but I just wanted to thank you for the like, and stop in and say hello! Don’t know if you know what I said; but it’s nice to meet you! 🙂

    Curtido por 1 pessoa

  2. Hello Luke. You have a wonderful site. I enjoyed reading this page. You mentioned change which I blogged about today and knowledge which I have been reading about. Knowledge is power. You also used two words that got me very excited – something useful. Thank you for liking my last post. If you don’t mind, kindly tell me what you think about what I say in the post.

    Curtido por 2 pessoas

  3. Hi Luke,
    I was seeker & I found the true meaning and the very purpose of this human life.
    I found it from the life lived by my Guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj who discarded his 95 years old fragile mortal body recently on the last 15th of August. Once again I have become seeker despite finding what I was searching in my life till the age of 50. My 2nd search is for bloggers who got a good knowledge of English language in addition to his/her own mother tongue. You are one such person. So here is my one humble request to you. There is a website : with a section named “Daily Satsang” with a daily new post under the caption :”Divine Inspiration”. How about translating it into your Brazilian mother tongue for posting it on your blog. My aim is to spread the something really good and worth reading from the east to the western world. Since you are fond of reading, I recommend reading the book “TRANSCENDENCE”. It’s about how a rocket scientist
    ex-Indian President Dr.APJ Kalam – Muslim by birth became a disciple of my Hindu Guru, who had not completed even High School education.

    Curtido por 1 pessoa

    1. I’d like to help you, but a daily commitment would be very hard for me to honor.

      If there is something small I could do for you on a weekly basis, I’m more than happy to help!

      Thanks for your compliment 🙂

      Curtido por 1 pessoa

      1. Good Day Luke,

        Thanks for your quick affirmative response. Here is the link for the ‘Divine Inspiration’ –

        I suggest you may kindly browse to and fro for the daily posts available on this website and pickup/select whichever you like best. It’s ok even if you can do it on a weekly basis. Please feel free to write to me, in case you ever come across some ‘Sanskrut’ language word.

        Thanks once again for your kind assistance.


  4. Que coisa boa!!!! Que surpresa agradável! Sempre o vi curtindo posts do blog que escrevo, mas não tinha até agora, vindo aqui para ver o que você também escreve. Grata surpresa! Se quiser trocar algumas palavras meu whatsapp é 18997358253. Obrigado por esse presente em forma de reflexão!!! Ganhei o dia…

    Curtido por 1 pessoa

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