Manifesto of an Almost Disillusioned Teacher (free from 12/05 to 12/09)

Education is a pressing concern for people in any country. However, in Brazil, despite all the manipulated data available saying that education goes great, we know that it is not the case.

As a warning, I have written the Manifesto of an Almost Disillusioned Teacher. In this work, I plea for the rights of teachers, ask for better work conditions, and also tell students that they can do better and help both themselves and their teachers. Moreover, I appeal for teachers to stay committed to the cause of carrying out quality education.

I hope you can download this work at (or any other Amazon stores around the world) in this free time and I ask you to share with the most people you can. I believe it will be of value for educators in other countries as well.

Also, it would be great if you shared this artcile on WordPress, Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Help me enlighten people responsible for education all around the world.


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